
   General Instructions:


ü      Take full responsibility for whatever is mentioned in class.


ü      Pre-read the assigned unit before coming to class, do home works, participate in class, ask questions, cooperate in group works, and study for exams.


ü      Attend classes on regular basis since consistence attendance is an important factor in gaining an understanding of the material. 6 times of absence forbids the student from attending the final exam (according to the University policy) unless an acceptable medical report is presented.


ü      Come to class on time. A late will be written on the attendance record of any student who comes to class more than 10 minutes late (three times of being late will be considered as a one absence)


ü      No make-up exams for those who miss a quiz, or a listening final.


ü      Students are likely to be respectful and polite to the teacher and other classmates.


ü      Eating is not allowed in the classroom.


ü       Students must take of the Abaya during the lecture.


ü      No sunglasses or caps are to be worn in class.


ü     Mobiles have to be turned off or put on a silent mode.

Last Update
3/15/2013 9:09:35 PM